Cosmetic Dentistry
A bright white smile has a great impact on our lives, your smile leaves a positive impression on everyone you meet in your life, so having a bright smile gives you confidence and gives those around you a sense of vitality and happiness.
Don't forget to reward yourself with a better smile.
Our teeth are exposed daily to many factors that cause tooth discoloration, including some foods that contain food colorings such as turmeric and saffron and some drinks that we consume daily such as tea, green tea, coffee and soft drinks, in addition to the passage of time and with age, teeth become more yellow, so whitening has become a daily routine for dental clinics to get a smile as bright as pearls.
In our center, we use the latest modern technology in whitening materials and various devices used for teeth whitening.
Types of bleaching offered in our center:
- Laser light bleaching "soft tissue laser" Doctor smile
- Light bleaching (LED) White smile
- Chemical bleaching. Without light stimulation
- Home bleaching.
What is bleaching?
Bleaching is the process of changing the dark yellow color of teeth to a lighter color to get whiter and brighter teeth.
The active bleaching substance (peroxide) is placed on the teeth and left for a certain period of time or exposed to light for 10-15 minutes to activate the bleaching substance. This substance penetrates the tooth substance and has a bleaching effect on the teeth. It may take more than one session to reach the desired color because some teeth are very dark and stubborn in pigmentation, so they need more effective devices and materials. Therefore, consulting your doctor to choose the type of bleaching is the most important and best to get the best desired and desired results without any harm or pain.
What are the different types of whitening?
Whitening in the clinic.
There are two main types of whitening, which are light teeth whitening and chemical teeth whitening.
Light whitening: This is the modern type, which involves exposing the tooth after placing the active substance on it to light to speed up the whitening process, and it is left for 10-15 minutes in three stages.
The type of device used differs according to the type of light produced by it, as there is laser whitening, manual whitening, plasma, etc. All of these types are effective in whitening teeth.
Teeth whitening using the Italian laser device. Doctor Smile As soon as possible and without any sensitivity, you can now achieve a bright, white smile in less than half an hour using the advanced laser whitening device.
LED whitening: It is also one of the latest light whitening systems. The active substance is placed on the teeth and activated by LED light for 15 minutes. Then the teeth are cleaned and another layer of the active substance is placed. The previous process is repeated for three stages to obtain the desired result, provided that there is no sensitivity in the teeth or gum inflammation.
White smile is a German device with high technology to control sensitivity and control light and has effective results
Chemical whitening: It is the first type of whitening. The materials used are highly concentrated and require a shorter time, but their effectiveness is less than light whitening.
Our Partners
at Dijla Medical Center, we are committed to ensuring the highest quality care and coverage for our clients. That's why we've partnered with leading insurance providers to bring you unparalleled service and peace of mind.